It’s officially squid season!

It’s officially squid season!

It’s that time of year the squid are moving in around Cape Cod and the Islands.

Squid fishing in the spring is a popular activity in the northeast United States. The season typically begins in late March and runs through May, with peak squid runs occurring in April. Squid fishing is an exciting and rewarding experience, and can also lead to some delicious meals.

The most common method for squid fishing is to use a squid jig. These jigs are typically made of metal or plastic and are designed to mimic the appearance of a small fish or shrimp. Squid are attracted to the jig’s movement in the water and will often attack it with their tentacles.

Squid can be found in a variety of locations, including piers, jetties, and rocky shorelines. They are most commonly found in shallow waters, so it is important to choose a location that is easily accessible and has a good chance of attracting squid.

Once you have caught your squid, the next step is to prepare it for cooking. The first step is to clean the squid, which involves removing the internal organs and ink sac. This can be done by making a small incision just below the squid’s eyes and pulling out the organs. The ink sac should also be removed carefully to avoid spilling the ink.

After cleaning the squid, it can be prepared in a variety of ways. One popular method is to grill the squid whole or in pieces. To do this, simply brush the squid with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Place the squid on a hot grill and cook for 2-3 minutes per side, until the flesh is cooked through.

Another popular way to prepare squid is to fry it. This can be done by cutting the squid into rings or strips, coating it in a mixture of flour and seasonings, and frying it in hot oil until golden brown. The fried squid can be served with a variety of dipping sauces, such as aioli or marinara.

Squid can also be used in a variety of dishes, such as pasta or paella. One popular Italian dish is spaghetti con le seppie, which is a pasta dish made with squid ink. The ink gives the pasta a dark color and a unique flavor that pairs well with seafood.

In addition to being delicious, squid is also a healthy and nutritious food. It is low in fat and calories, and high in protein and vitamins. Squid is also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for heart health.

Overall, squid fishing in the spring in the northeast United States is a fun and exciting activity that can lead to some delicious meals. Whether you grill it, fry it, or use it in a dish, squid is a versatile and tasty seafood that is sure to impress. So why not give squid fishing a try this spring and see what delicious meals you can create?